Please contact the scheme nearest your location for information or call:
Helpline: 0300 3301399
The bus helps residents of Bromsgrove District who are unable to make essential journeys by conventional transport, either because of personal mobility/disability difficulties or because suitable services are not available. The minibus is adapted for wheelchair users.
A Community Transport service for Redditch and Bromsgrove and surrounding areas using volunteer drivers to take clients to hospital appointments, doctors, dentists, opticians and care homes.
Droitwich Spa CVS operate bus services and a community car scheme and vehicle hire is also available.
Evesham Community Car Scheme is run by Evesham Volunteer Centre.
Volunteers use their own cars to provide transport for those who need to get to medical appointments e.g. hospital, doctor, dentist, chiropodist and for those visiting someone in hospital. The service can also be used for visits to the library, shopping and hairdressers.
Community Action Malvern operates the local community transport services:
This is a door to door service providing trips to doctors, dentists, hospitals, shopping, church, opticians, visit friends, day centres and social activities using an accessible vehicle for those unable to use public transport due to age or disability.
Vehicle Hire
Two wheelchair accessible minibuses available for hire in the evenings and at weekends, and can be provided with a driver.
The CB3 Community Bus Route operates from Tuesday to Friday inclusive
Route: Great Malvern – Upton-upon-Severn circular: Great Malvern – St Andrews Road – Barnards Green – Hanley Swan – Hanley Castle – Upton – Welland – Upper Welland – Malvern Wells – Great Malvern – Retail Park (via Prospect View Surgery and Gt Malvern rail station).
Telephone: 01684 891121
Monday to Friday from 09:15 to 15:00 hours
View details on the scheme's web pages by clicking on this link
Three schemes are provided in the area through the Pershore Volunteer Centre
Community Car Scheme
Mini Bus Hire
The Redditch Dial-A-Ride scheme is a door-to-door service using an accessible minibus provided by Redditch Borough Council. The service can be used for any purpose including shopping, visiting friends and family, leisure and medical appointments.
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A Community Transport service for Redditch and Bromsgrove and surrounding areas using volunteer drivers to take clients to hospital appointments, doctors, dentists, opticians and care homes.
Tenbury Transport Trust operates three services:
Mini Bus Services
Mini Bus Group Travel
Community Car Service
Upton Community Care runs the Community Car Scheme.
Volunteers in Upton-upon-Severn use their own cars Volunteers use their own vehicles to provide transport for the elderly to all medical appointment's at surgeries, hospitals, clinics, day care centres and visits to loved ones in hospital and care homes.
Older and disabled people with no other means of transport who are unable to use public transport either because it does not exist or due to access problems
Usually patients at the Upton Surgery who live within Upton-upon-Severn or the following surrounding villages:
Berrow, Birtsmorton, Bushley, Croome D’Arbetot, Earls Croome, Eldersfield, Hanley Castle, Hanley Swan, Hill Croome, Kinnersley, Pendock, Seven Stoke, and Welland.
Booking Line: Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 11:30 Answerphone at all other times.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Worcester Wheels operates three services for residents of Worcester and surrounding villages:
Community Car Scheme
Door to Door Mini Bus and MPV Services
Mini Bus Hire
Community Transport Wyre Forest operates two schemes:
Community Car Scheme for North West Worcestershire
Vehicle Hire